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  • About A Zero Sum
  • The Dollar And Nature Article
  • The Current Tragedy Article
  • A Spin On Christian Lunge

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-> About A Zero Sum

This is My Article: About A Zero Sum

It is About An idea, Called Zero Sum
Some People Think of it as Gamble, Yet it is
Definitely A Construct

The idea of All or Nothing is Known and Also
Could Be Thought of as Gamble
It Talks About The Zero Sum idea and That it is
Common Now
Size: 11 Pages PDF

-> The Dollar And Nature Article

This is My Article: The Dollar And Nature
It is About: The Dollar and it’s Relationship with Nature

We Live in Nature, and We All Need The Dollar in Our Lives
Since USA is Our Country, then We All Have To Live Here
So We Need A Positive View in Order To Get By

The Dollar and it’s Relationship with Nature is
A Part of Our Lives
In This Article, I Look At This Relationship:
The Dollar And Nature
Size: 16 Pages PDF

-> The Current Tragedy Article

This is My Article: The Current Tragedy
It is About: The Current State of Affairs in
The USA Common Now

USA Has A Lot of Variety, and There Are at Least
One Million Things Going On, All of The Time
With So Much Variety, and Changing Appearances, then
This is Really A Big Job To Handle

By Various Reasons, The People Do Not See The Need
for Regular Common Sense and Managing The Ways of USA
So, We Think that This Has Become A Tragedy – By Definition
Size: 18 Pages PDF

-> A Spin On Christian Lunge

This is My Article: A Spin On Christian Lunge
It is About: A Method of Approach that We See Around

On The Street These Days, We See People:

  • Just Lunge At Us
  • And Shout Rude Things

This is Not Attractive and I Call it: Christian Lunge
So, I Have The Article: A Spin On Christian Lunge
Size: 21 Pages PDF


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