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  • Daily Positive Thoughts
  • Honey And The Fly Story
  • The Folly Bash
  • Traveling From A To B Article

-> Daily Positive Thoughts

This is An Article that I Have Written About Our Daily Life and
The Management of it. It is Us that Really Manages Our Daily Life
Then The Idea of Doing A Good Job at it Can Make Good Sense to Us

My Article Here Offers Some Ideas and Methods for Finding for Ourselves
The Idea of Daily Positive Thoughts
Size: 13 Pages PDF

-> Honey And The Fly Story

This is My Story: Honey And The Fly
It is A Story About: An Old Saying
When People Are Together, They Share The Ways of Communicating

In This Story, It Talks About Ways of Communicating that
People Use
When We Are Thoughtful, then We Usually Have A Better Time

This is What The Old Saying is About
Size: 10 Pages PDF

-> The Folly Bash

This is My Article: The Folly Bash

It is A Sharing Piece, About An Experience that I Had
Actually it is About A Thought or Description

When People Do Things, We Don’t Always Know The Reason
But if We Find Out, then It is Better To Know
The Word Folly is Made Up of: Foolishness or Mistaken
Size: 7 Pages PDF

-> Traveling From A To B Article

Everybody Knows that:

When We Go to Somewhere, like To A Place
that There Are Two (2) Parts in it

  • One Part is The Place that is Destination
  • and The Other Place is Where We Are

This Gets Called: Going from A to B
I Have Our Article About This Called:

  • Traveling From A To B

It Talks About This Common Thing Called: A to B
Size: 10 Pages PDF


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