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  • Splitting Hairs
  • Focused Continuing
  • Knowing Is Better
  • The Inch Worm Meditation

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-> Splitting Hairs

This is My Article: Splitting Hairs
It is About: Splitting Hairs, Or
Spending A Lot of Time On A Small Thing
Currently, Today: Many People Act Poorly
They Throw Comments with No Content
Empty is Empty, So it is Splitting Hairs

Just Criticizing Or Degrading Others is
Not Popular, Many People Do Not Like it
So, If Only Splitting Hairs, This Article
Size: 10 Pages PDF

-> Focused Continuing

This is My Article: Focused Continuing
It is About: Getting Our Tasks Done
By Tasks I Mean Like: Our Daily Tasks
We Want To Get Our Daily Tasks Done

During Us Performing Our Tasks, We Have
To Pay Attention
If There is Error, Then We Must Fix it
So, It is Important To Pay Attention
I Have A Helper Term Shared Here, So,
It Can Help Us Find: Focused Continuing
Size: 9 Pages PDF

-> Knowing Is Better

This is My Article: Knowing is Better
It is About: A Saying That I Have
I Say That: Knowing is Better
It Can Make Sense, And For A Reason

If We: Run into A Difficulty, Then
The Saying Can Make Sense:
is Better Than Not Knowing
This is A Simple Article On My Saying
Size: 4 Pages PDF

-> The Inch Worm Meditation

This is My Article: The Inch Worm Meditation
It is About: The Inch Worm, A Small Worm
The Story is From India and is Ancient
The Inch Worm is Only: One Inch Long
He Has A Method that He Uses in Life, And
This is Shared in The Inch Worm Meditation

In This Story, We Can See One Approach To
Meditation that Gets Used: His Method
The Method May Seem Basic, But It Does Help
The Inch Worm To Get His Things Done
There Are Various Techniques that People Use
For Meditation, So There are Many Ways to Use

People Try Meditation, Each One Finds His Own Way
Each Person’s Method For Meditation is His Own
This Ancient Story is A Lot of Fun
Even The Smallest Guy Could Try A Meditation
Size: 13 Pages PDF


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