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  • Carrot On The Donkey
  • The Man And The Barber Shop
  • About The Two Minute Call
  • The Buddha And The Bidi Cigarette

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-> Carrot On The Donkey

This is My Article: Carrot On The Donkey
It is About: An Old Saying, Carrot On The Donkey
The Saying Has Been Used For Thousands Of Years

The Word Carrot Is Used: For A Purpose, Like
An Incentive Or A Reason
The Reason is: To Get The Donkey To Work
The Donkey Working Is: Pull The Cart To The Market

The Farmer Hangs The Carrot In Front of The Donkey
So, The Donkey Would Be Chasing The Carrot
The Donkey Working Is: Pull The Cart To The Market
This Old Saying is Discussed Here
Size: 12 Pages PDF

-> The Man And The Barber Shop

This is My Story: The Man And The Barber Shop
It is About: A Man, The Main Character, Going
Downtown For A Haircut
The Man will be Walking to The Downtown

This Story Sounds Simple, Yet Shares with Us
Some of The Intricacies of Life
Whoa, There is So Much Variety Out There
And Also, We Have A Variety of Thoughts Too
I Mean that: We Often Have To Remember A Lot

So This Story is A Fun Story, About All of
The Variety That Occurs During Our Busy Day
Size: 16 Pages PDF

-> About The Two Minute Call

This is My Story: About The Two Minute Call
It is About: A Two Minute Phone Call
In The Early Days Of The Telephone, Phone
Calls Were Carried Through Wires
Yet, The Telephone Made Available Long
Distance Communication

People Could Talk To Other People Far Away

One Type Of Telephone Call Was The Two
Minute Call

This Story is: About The Two Minute Call
There Are Some Historic And Fun Things To
See In The Story: About The Two Minute Call
Size: 16 Pages PDF

-> The Buddha And The Bidi Cigarette

This Is My Story From India:
The Buddha And The Bidi Cigarette

The Buddha Is Named Maharaj And He
Liked To Smoke Indian Bidi Cigarette

Maharaj Was A Famous Buddha And People
Would Go And Visit Him In India
Maharaj Always Had Good Energy

One Time, A Visitor Asked A Question
And I Think That It Is Good Enough To
Tell The Story
This Includes Indian Bidi Cigarette
Size: 18 Pages PDF


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