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  • About Bigger Things
  • A Bad Holiday
  • About Adversary
  • Bad Topic Change

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-> About Bigger Things

This is My Article: About Bigger Things
It is About: Things, Like Objects
Things, Like Objects, All Come in
Different Sizes (Like Small, Medium, Large)

So, We Know About Differences
Sizes is One Kind of Difference
The Bigger Sizes, Have Different Descriptions
There is More To Think About With Bigger Sizes
This Article: About Bigger Things, Looks At This
We Know About Different Sizes
Size: 13 Pages PDF

-> A Bad Holiday

This is My Article: A Bad Holiday
It is About: Juneteenth

Juneteenth: Is The New National Holiday,
A Federal Holiday, Made By The USA President
The President Suggests That We All USA
People Take Responsibility For Black People

I Think That This idea: Juneteenth, Is Really
A Joke Because Black People Are Not USA
So, This Article is Called: A Bad Holiday
Size: 6 Pages PDF

-> About Adversary

This is My Article: About Adversary
It is About: Adversary, Someone or Something
That is Adverse
Adverse is Like: Against, Opposed, Or even

During Our Day: Not Everybody That We Meet
Is A Friend
Sometimes: People That We Meet Are Not
Fond of Us
So, An Adversary Could Be Around Us These Days
The Definition of Adversary Can Have Value
Size: 9 Pages PDF

-> Bad Topic Change

This is My Article: Bad Topic Change
It is About: Topic Change, Like in Conversation

When We Are: In Conversation With Someone, We
Stay with The Current Topic
Topic Change is Not So Common To See
Yet, These Days, Some People Violate Conversation
For example: They Might Demand A Different Topic
Whoa, This Looks Like: Bad Topic Change, And
We See It Around
Size: 14 Pages PDF


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