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  • English Language USA Originally
  • The Second Computer Monitor
  • The Guy Hitman
  • Jesus Article

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-> English Language USA Originally

This is An Article that I Have Written About: The English Language in USA
It Shows How English has Developed Since Before The Times of The Constitution
Size: 10 Pages PDF

-> The Second Computer Monitor

This is An Article that I Have Written About: The Original IBM Personal
(PC). This PC Monitor Came with The Original IBM PC in 1985 and
Had A Green Screen with Light Green Letters On The Screen.

In 1987, The Second Computer Monitor Came Out and Was An Improvement Over
The Original IBM PC Monitor. The Second Computer Monitor from IBM Corporation
Had A Better Screen and Was More High Tech in Several Ways
Size: 16 Pages PDF

-> The Guy Hitman

This is My Story: The Guy Hitman
The Guy – Hitman – is A Person, or Like A Person
We See Him Around, even Often.
For Example, We Might See Him – On The Street
He Goes Around, and Seems to Have A Cause.
We don’t Always Know what He is Doing, but We Do See Him Around
This Curious Guy – Hitman – is Not Directly Friendly, Yet
He is The Subject of Our Article.
Reading About Hitman, Who We See These Days, is Familiar To
Most People. We Think that This is An Interesting Story
Size: 23 Pages PDF

-> Jesus Article

This is My Article About Jesus
For A Long Time There Has Been: The Story of Jesus
Many People Have Said Many Things About This, but There
Never Has Been Any Real Idea of His Existence
We Don’t Think That There Was A Jesus, So We Wrote This View of it
Size: 8 Pages PDF

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