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  • The Idea Of Single-Tasking
  • The Story of the Tenth Man
  • A Thing Becoming Outdated
  • Legal Interpretation Article

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-> The Idea Of Single-Tasking

This is My Article: The Idea Of Single-Tasking
It is About: Single-Tasking
Single-Tasking is: Doing One Thing At A Time

During Our Day: We Do Many Functions
Maybe: Making A Meal, or Getting Dressed
We Do Many Things During Our Day

If Our Day Gets: Too Complicated, Then, I Have
This Article: The Idea Of Single-Tasking
Single-Tasking is: Doing One Thing At A Time

Single-Tasking Can Help Us, To Minimize Complication
An Interesting Angle Here, On To Minimize Complication
Size: 21 Pages PDF

-> The Story of the Tenth Man

This is An Ancient Tale From India, About: Ten Men, Who
Were Friends, And Lived in The Same Village
One Time, They Had To Go On A Journey, And So They
Went Together
Then, This Is: The Fun Tale Of Their Journey

Every Time That We Take A Journey, We Could Find Discovery
The Ten Men Found A Discovery On Their Journey, And it is In
This Story
Size: 16 Pages PDF

-> A Thing Becoming Outdated

This is My Article: A Thing Becoming Outdated
It is About: Things Existing Over Time

When We Say: Over Time, It is A Short Time or
It May Seem Like A Long Time
When Things Get Old, They Can Become Outdated

We All Know This, And It is Interesting Enough
To Discuss
We Don’t Want To Lose Things, But Sometimes
Things Do Get Old
Size: 15 Pages PDF

-> Legal Interpretation Article

This is My Article: Legal Interpretation
It is About: The Preamble: Declaration of Independence

In The Preamble: It States That: The People Have
Certain Unalienable Rights

These Rights Are:

  • Life
  • Liberty
  • The Pursuit of Happiness

I Interpret The Text Of The Preamble Three Rights
This Article Discusses Briefly: These Three Rights:

  • Life
  • Liberty
  • The Pursuit of Happiness

Size: 10 Pages PDF

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