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  • The Contra Creator Group Article
  • About Fat And Flat Story
  • Setting A Question Straight (Christian)
  • Common Arrest Method And Outlook

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-> The Contra Creator Group Article

This is Our Article: The Contra Creator Group
It is About: USA and Life On Earth

We Have Been USA for A Long Time Now
With So Much Life and Practice, We Have Some
with Life On Earth
We Live Our Lives Here in USA and We All Need
Some Space and Time To Be Ourselves

For Too Long: General Staff, Like Government, with
it’s Plethora of Departments Just Disables People
It is Hard To Grow and Live with Such Danger There

We Want To Start A Conversation About This: Life On
in USA and So We Invite You To Join Us
Size: 24 Pages PDF

-> About Fat And Flat Story

This is Our Story: About Fat And Flat
It is About: An Average Guy, Who Has
Two Main Qualities: Fat And Flat

This is: Sometimes, He Has Good ideas,
Which Makes Him Appear Fat
Then, At Other Times, His Lesser ideas
Make Him Appear Not So Good

Our Guy Sounds Simple, But, with His Friends
He Has To Try As Hard As Anybody
So Our Story includes: The Common Stuff
Size: 14 Pages PDF

-> Setting A Question Straight (Christian)

This is My Article: Setting A Question Straight
It is A Jesus Article: About The Birth of Jesus

I Have Stories About Jesus Birth Since A Long Time
Also, Jesus Paying for Us is Believed By Some

So There Are Questions About This For A Long Time Too
I Discuss Some of These Questions Here
Also, Facts About USA Behavior in The World with
The Name Jesus Asserted There
Size: 8 Pages PDF

-> Common Arrest Method And Outlook

This is My Article: Common Arrest Method
And Outlook

It is About: Police and The People

Here in USA, When Police Choose To Claim Error
Then They Can Arrest Someone
Also, it is Quite Common that People Have Been
Arrested and Taken To Mental Health Facility

The Way that People Are Arrested and Taken Away
Brings To Mind A Common Quote From The 1950’s
Since The Quote Compliments This Article, then
I Share It Here
Size: 17 Pages PDF


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